Announcements 重要消息


这一学年已经接近尾声, 快乐的暑假很快就要开始了。感谢您这一学年来对学校课程和活动的各项支持。我们在此诚挚地邀请您参加里贾纳中文学校的2018/2019学年年会和结业式。

学校年会将在2019年6月16日(星期日)下午1:30 , Balfour 中学的大礼堂举行。年会内容涉及学校财务报告和下学年课程报名等。其后是学年结业式,分为结业证书颁发和 教师答谢两部分。



Dear Parents/Guardians,

The summer holiday is right around the corner! Thank you all very much for your support to the language classes and school activities during this past school year.

You are cordially invited to the Annual General Meeting and End of School Year Celebration of CLSR (Chinese Language School of Regina).

The meeting will be held at the Auditorium of Balfour Collegiate on Sunday, June 16, 2019 , at 1:30pm. This will be followed by the End of School Year Celebration (Student Certification Award & Teacher Appreciation).

The agenda for the AGM will be:

Call to order

Approval of Agenda

Approval of 2018 minutes

Principal’s Report

Treasurer’s Report – approve financial statement, approve budget

New School Year Registration

Other matters

Adjourn AGM

We look forward to seeing you there!

Chinese School of Regina